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Child Care Subsidies - Elgin

Programs that provide financial assistance for people with dependent children who need help covering childcare costs.

Click here to find more information about Ontario's child care subsidy.

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These services are located in Elgin
St Thomas (City of) - St Thomas-Elgin Social Services - Children's Services  
230 Talbot St, St Thomas, ON  N5P 1B2
519-631-9350 Add to Clipboard

These services are located outside of Elgin, but provide service to Elgin.
Ontario. Ministry of Finance - Credits, Benefits and Incentives - Ontario Child Benefit  
438 University Ave, 7th Fl, Toronto, ON  M5G 2K8
1-800-387-1193 Add to Clipboard
The services listed in this category are regulated through government bodies, ministries, Crown corporations, tribunals, agencies, boards, and commissions. If you have a concern or serious complaint about a service that is listed, contact the Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario, or an office mandated to address appeals and complaints against the listed service.

Indigenous Services Canada (ICS) and Ontario's Ministry of Indigenous Affairs work in collaboration with partners to support the independent delivery of services by Indigenous communities.